Friday, 21 December 2012

Merry Christmas Everyone!

So sorry I've not posted for a LONG while. I had a major breakdown of my pc. I had a virus get into both it and my backup, and lost EVERYTHING. My Apocalypse came early :( But thought I'd come on and wish you all 'a Merry Christmas and a prosperous and Happy New Year'.

Thursday, 31 May 2012

Its been a while...

...since I posted anything on here, but here is a little link from 'The Stage'. An article on Mark Shenton's favourite leading musicals men.


Friday, 30 March 2012

More "Yes"

A nice little interview with Philip Quast about 'Yes, Prime Minister' and how it plays to Australian audiences. Follow the link for the article.

Linky :D

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

Art imitates Life!

An article from 'Canberra Times' in Australia about actors Philip Quast and Mark Owen-Taylor's visit to the Parliament Building. A lovely pic on the article is well worth a look :D

Saturday, 10 March 2012

An interview!!

This was detailed on 'the Philip Quast Guide' (the wonderful source of a lot of PQ info). It is an interview with Philip. Some of the answers he gives may be known about if you are a hardened PQ fan ;), but a good article if you want to know a bit about what inspires him .

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Another review for Yes, Prime Minister

Another review for 'Yes, Prime Minister' in 'The Australian'. Link is below :D

A review of Yes, Prime Minister

A review of 'Yes, Prime Minister' has appeared online by It is worth a read and has a new production photo of the play. Read the review and please comment if you want to see the play, or have indeed seen it :D


Friday, 3 February 2012

Yes, Prime Minister media call video

A video from theatrepeople in Australia on the media call for 'Yes, Prime Minister' which has just opened. Hope you enjoy :) It looks wonderful!

Friday, 20 January 2012

A pic!!

As I've no new news at the moment, I thought we all deserved a picture :D

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Quast now based in Oz??

In a snippet from Mark Shenton's blog in 'The Stage', Philip Quast is now based in Australia. Good news for all his Aussie fans, not so good for the rest of us :( But my best wishes and good luck to all his adventures back in Oz.

"It was splendid to see them all on the same stage, and proves once again the strength in numbers of Aussie musical talent which has also stretched from Hugh Jackman to three-time Olivier winner Philip Quast in the West End. (Quast is now based in Australia again, after living in London for over twenty years, and by coincidence my partner and I had a long lunch at his Sydney home before we went to seeAnnie; the next day he left for Melbourne, to begin rehearsals to lead the company of the Australian premiere of Yes Prime Ministeropening in Melbourne at the end of January)."