Sunday, 31 October 2010

The Twyborn Affair

I hope Siobhan from the PQG messages board will forgive me as she found this and I didn't!!! So as well as relaying the information, I would like to give a BIG thanks to her. :)

The Twyborn Affair which is a radio production on UK radio is airing on the 14th November between 8:00 and 9:30 pm.

The information off the BBC Press Office is as follows:-

Drama On 3 – The Twyborn Affair

Sunday 14 November
8.00-9.30pm BBC RADIO 3

Penny Downie and Julian Rhind-Tutt star in the first-ever dramatisation of Patrick White's The Twyborn Affair.
Eadie was no good as a mother – raising eyebrows in Edwardian Sydney society was more exciting and her child kept running away. Now into old age, Eadie hopes to rekindle family affections.
As the London Blitz begins, the Twyborns reveal their unconventional choices in this dramatisation of Nobel Prize-winner Patrick White's provocative tale of sexual identity.
The Twyborn Affair is dramatised by DJ Britton. Eddie is played by Julian Rhind-Tutt, Eadie by Penny Downie, Joan by Hattie Morahan, Don by Philip Quast, Marcia by Leigh Funnelle, Angelos/Rod by John Rowe, Curly/Greg by David Henry, Peggy/Ada by Manon Edwards, Driver by Piers Wehner, Bridie by Emerald O'Hanrahan and Philip by Joseph Cohen-Cole.
Producer/Alison Hindell
BBC Radio 3 Publicity

Available on BBc iplayer for next 7 days (from 14th November 2010) click here

Hallowe'en Weekend - Sunday snap!!

I couldn't decide between the two of these so I put both on here. Taken from a random screen cap I had for 'Harvey McHugh' but it screamed Hallowe'en at me. Something to do with the eyes I think :) He does scary looks well. Have a look and see what I mean - and as always ENJOY!!

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Hallowe'en Weekend -Saturday Snap

As I couldn't decide on the picture to have for Hallowe'en, I've decided to have a Saturday and Sunday Snap this weekend. ENJOY!!

Friday, 29 October 2010

Mary Poppins pre-sale bookings in Sydney

The dates for tickets seem to have been PROVISIONALLY set as 'The Age Box Office' are pre-selling some Mary Poppins tickets for dates up to and including Sunday 23th October 2011!!!

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Welcome News!!

Great news on the Philip Quast Guide, that Philip Quast will most likely extend his contract with the production of Mary Poppins, to cover the Sydney run at the Capitol Theatre next year. This and other news about the Mary Poppins run can be found on the PQG latest news link. This news was for today's date on there, if you wish to look :)

And according to the IMDB, 'The Devil's Double' has a PROVISIONAL release date of the 1st January 2011 in the US. This is subject to change however, but it does seem to suggest that the film will be released nearer to the bigger film festivals next year than to be released this end of the year near Christmas. So we will have to wait a little longer to see Philip play the role of 'Saddam Hussein'.

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

Something I'm trying out

I've been playing with some of the screen caps I have from 'Ultraviolet'. So I thought I'd share one with you. I'm pretty pleased with it but will put both on this post so you can pick your favourite. Let me know which one your favourite. Always interesting to know :D

New Version
Original version

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Just because!!!

I need cheering up today. A miserable day, and I'm in a miserable mood to go with it. But this piccie cheers me up so I'd thought I'd share it :D  :D

Screencap - Bed of Roses. Copyright ABC tv

Thanks to CW for this. It's lovely :)

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Sunday Snap - something I quite like

Did this as an experiment. Hope you like it. Taken from the pic on the sidebar of this blog. PLEASE PLEASE give Garry Lake's excellent photography a whirl. It is worth it. Just click the pic in the sidebar to take you there.

Friday, 22 October 2010

Mary Poppins to fly into Sydney next year

Thanks to the Philip Quast guide for the heads-up on this. Mary Poppins is to transfer to Sydney's Capitol Theatre in April 2011. Obviously who will transfer with it is unknown at this point. That will probably be known nearer the date. Information about the show and tickets are available at the link below.

Capitol Mary Poppins!

The presale for this has started. The first performance is scheduled for the 6th of May 2011. Extra link for info is below :)

Thursday, 21 October 2010

The Quast Effect

There aren't many things or people that get me going, but Philip Quast is one of them and it has now been six months since this blog started. I can hardly believe it. Time has just flown by. In that time we have had '1000 voices'; the rehearsals for Mary Poppins, Mary Poppins' opening night and its subsequent (highly successful) run, which is about three months in. Not including the 100th performance of said show, and an appearance at the 'Rob Guest Endowment' concert. All in all a very busy 6-ish months :D

Then for me personally, the new friends I've made all because of a certain entertainer. Can't think who LOL :D  And I must say what a lovely bunch of people us 'Quasties' are :) I started this blog too all because one day I got an inkling to do something 'Quasty'.

So to that end, although it is indirect, the Quast Effect is a strong one. And long may it continue :D :D

Piece to camera outside Dress Circle 2008
screencap from youtube clip

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Another slow day!!

It must be that Autumn has definitely hit here because everything seems to have ground to a halt including me. So to brighten up proceedings, and as this isn't too risque. What I would probably term a little 'neckporn' :)) Actually it is a screen cap from 'Brides of Christ', so unless a series about Nuns is, well you know, you've been watching the 'wrong' films my friend :D :D  ENJOY!!

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Sunday Snap time!

Yes it has been a week since last Sunday. Seven whole days! Who would have thought it, a Sunday happening every week. Four in a month - BARGAIN!! So to celebrate the fact that it is Sunday, and to see how many times I can get Sunday in one post - a Sunday Snap!!! Not of Philip singing 'Sunday' I'm afraid but a pic from 'Brides of Christ'. A screencap from the subtitled version, and this capture was just too fun to let go. ENJOY!!!!

Friday, 15 October 2010

The artistic kick continues

A screen cap that has been resized and turned into a painting, and then colourized. Yes folks!! It is a cold and miserable day and I thought I'd have another mess around with a photo. This one was from the 'Mary Poppins' after-show party.

Enhanced by Zemanta

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Bit of a slow day

Today is just one of those days. It is the middle of the week and there is not much happening on the Philip front or any front for that matter! So I and my computer have been playing, and we've come up with a picture for you.  Hope you like it. And enjoy the rest of Wednesday :D :D

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Rob Guest Endowment Concert photos on Facebook

There is a whole bunch of new photos from this year's Rob Guest Endowment concert now up on Facebook. So if you want to have a look at the album I'm dropping a link here. It goes straight to the one of Philip at the concert, and the next one on there is one of him too. But please have a look at the whole album because it was a great night out for a great cause :D :D

Rob Guest Endowment Concert

Monday, 11 October 2010

Mary Poppins pre-sale from Ticketek

Ticketek in Australia are now doing pre-sale tickets for Mary Poppins in Melbourne. The dates are now extended until Sunday 13th February 2011. Tickets for sale to the general public start on Monday 18th October 2010.

copyright Disney/CML

A couple of new additions to the blog

As you will see I have made a couple of additions to the blog which I hope you will like. One is obvious as I have put a new header to the blog page. I hope you like it, and it is also where the second change comes in, and you can use it straight away :D I've now added reactions to my posts so if you like (or hate) something you can now click the reaction box without having to necessarily leave a comment.

See what you think! And maybe leave a reaction :D :D

Thanks to Angela and the Philip Quast Continuum for the pic

Sunday, 10 October 2010

By George! - A Sunday Snap

As today heralds the 100th performance of Mary Poppins, it got me thinking about another George which Philip played 10 years previously. I'm referring to a man who is a banker who finds it hard to relate to his children. Sounds familiar!! But that is where the similarity ends. Because this man is George Darling - father to Wendy, Peter and Michael in "Pan". This was also performed in Australia but at the Capitol theatre in Sydney.

Not many pics of this exist but I've found you one - thanks to comeaway . A lovely pic of Philip as George Darling.

And to celebrate this and Peter Pan, a link for GOSH . Please give them a visit!! :D

Friday, 8 October 2010

Not as OFF TOPIC as it looks :)

The Age in Australia has an article on their website about 'Love Never Dies' possibly coming to Melbourne. While it is primarily about that, it does have a couple of paragraphs about the closing of Mary Poppins next year.  So unless Philip hasn't renewed his contract, it looks as though he may be off to Sydney next year. As always click the link :)

Thursday, 7 October 2010

New music on the Music Page

I've now added a we7 widget for the soundtrack of 'South Pacific' to the Music Page so you can now enjoy the album while you are going about your day. I hope you enjoy it. It is a brilliant album, and it was as 'Emile de Becque', that Philip Quast won his third Olivier award. :D :D

If you haven't seen yet!!


If you haven't seen Philip's interview from 'Bed of Roses' yet. I thought a little reminder was in order. It is a brilliant behind-the scenes interview which can be found here. And if that isn't enough to whet your appetite, I managed to get a screen capture for you. Please go and have a look and explore the rest of the website while you at it :)

ABC 'Bed of Roses' interview
copyright ABCTV

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

100th performance this Sunday

Apparently on Sunday is the 100th performance of Mary Poppins. I personally can't believe time has flown by that fast. But saying that it has been longer than I thought. After all previews and opening night were in July, and it is now October - nearly two and a half months down the line.

Everyone who has seen it on Facebook and Twitter seems to be saying how marvellous it is, and that seems to show no sign of abating. There are even some who are off to see it again. I know my mate Jules and her friend when they went to Melbourne this year were there several times. And I'm sure if she had the money she would still be there even if it meant camping out in Her Majesty's theatre foyer!! But her, her friend and indeed myself (if I could have gone :(  ) would have been there to see Philip originally, but she said the cast and the show are so good, that the whole thing was brilliant!

So to that end a picture of them all for today, and for best wishes to cast, crew and all the backstage and FOH bunnies for Sunday :D :D

The cast of Mary Poppins
copyright TEN news network

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

OT: Les Miserables article

I don't usually like to do that many off-topic things but this does have quick mention of Philip Quast in passing. And as it is the 25th Anniversary of Les Miserables...! Well just this once :D


I knew I should have followed what I thought was right!

*SIGH* I've had a fun couple of days. I knew I should have followed my heart and knew Philip Quast would go to the 'Rob Guest Endowment Concert'. Which he did!! As I said in the previous post, it would help if people actually knew who they were watching!!!! My fault too I suppose. The timings were just wrong :(

But on a personal note, I'm glad Philip went to this concert as it is a worthy cause, and Rob Guest was a inspiration and friend to many people.

It sounds like it was a wonderful show, and there is a lovely review at the link below.

Rob Guest Endowment Concert

Monday, 4 October 2010

Decided to pull a post!! :(

I've decided off of my own back to pull a post on here. There were too many unconfirmed factors in it. Basically if people could tell their actors apart, I would be in much better shape. So to compensate - you guessed it a picture. Was saving this for Sunday but I think we all deserve it :) Give yourselves a hug!!!!

Aw bless!!
screen cap copyright Disney/CML

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Sunday Snap - Les Miserables

As there is a lot about the 25th Anniversary of Les Miserables and the concert which is on at the O2 arena in London today. I thought a Sunday Snap of Philip was in order. He always will be my personal favourite Javert. :D This snap a little bit different as off of the Cameron Mackintosh tribute 'Hey! Mr Producer'.

screencap copyright CML/Thames

Oh well I succumbed! Here is a screen cap, believe it or not from the same show. Just fixed its light and colour a bit. All the rest courtesy of the vision mixer/editor of the show. Well done sir!! :D :D

Copyright as per 1st picture

Saturday, 2 October 2010

Mary Poppins - end in sight for Melbourne???

As stated on a previous post there were rumours as to the end of Mary Poppins in Melbourne. Someone asked the question on Facebook as he had seen 'Dr Zhivago' was due to start in Her Majesty's theatre in 2011. I can confirm this is true as Ticketek have now started a 'Dr Z' waitlist. It is due to start in April 2011 (thankyou to the PQG for the alert on this).

It will more likely mean that MP will end somewhere around end of February which Showbiz Australia are doing pre-sale tickets till. Any more info I find out I'll let you know :)

Friday, 1 October 2010

A snap from the Promo video :)

Even though it isn't Sunday and time for a 'Sunday Snap', I've decided to go with a 'Friday Foto' :D

A photo from the promo video from 'Mary Poppins' with our delightful 'Mr Banks' - Mr Philip Quast. Now where have I heard that name before *thinks*. LOL :D :D

The jolly Mr & Mrs Banks
copyright Disney/CML

New promo video of Mary Poppins

Here it is - a new promo of Mary Poppins from Melbourne. A few snippets of Philip as Mr Banks. Well worth a look. ENJOY!!!